Eastern Europe 2010


Gene Gill, his nephew Duke Gill, and Natalie Bailey Keefe toured Eastern Europe for 3 weeks in July 2010.  Their stops included Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, and Prague. 

We took a train from Berlin to Warsaw - a 6 hour trip.  Warsaw was totally destroyed during WW2.  The "Old Town" has been lovingly restored.  The rest of the city is not exactly impressive. 

WARSAW, Poland 


Chopin Monument Chopin Monument


Old Town

Old Town

Royal Palace

Old Town

Old Town

Market Square

Market Square

Folk Costumes

Gene Just for Tourists WW2 Monument
Government Building Jewish Uprising Monument Tour Director Helina

 Entrance to Lazienki Palace

Lazienki Palace Lazienki Palace

Lazienki Palace

Lazienki Lake Boat rides on the lake

Lazienki Theatre

Our Tour Director's Home Tour Director's Family
Click on any city below to see the photos
1.  Berlin     ...     2.  Dresden     ...     3.  Warsaw
4.  Krakow    ...     5.  Budapest    ...    6.  Prague
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