Class of 1951 - 60th Reunion

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195 Photos.  Please wait until all small photos load and then click on small photos to see larger photos.


April 28, 2011

Early Dinner
Leonard's BBQ



Leonard's Sign

The Group


The Group

Malcolm - Panzy



Gene Bobby - Connie Susan - Jesse

Ralph Alex Carolyn

Shirley Jo Joyce - Winford

Harry - Elizabeth Glenda - Sarah Sarah - Eyes wide open
Bobby Faye - Gerald Joyce
Jo - Cortez Shelley - Pat Ralph - Jim
Harry - Elizabeth Alex - Shelley Gene - Natalie
Leonard's Mural Ralph - Jim Cortez - Shirley


April 29, 2011 . Meet and Greet .
Aintree Farms . Germantown


38 Classmates in Attendance


Official Class Photo by Pam Brant              

Click on small photos to see large photos.
Take 3 E.C.-Joan-Jo-Roberta-Sammie Mardy - Sarah
Don - Glenn Pat - Carl - Gloria Bobby - EC
Bobby - Gerald Gene - Natalie - Jimmy Faye - Pat
Connie Esther Carl - Jerry
Gerald - Faye - Pat Bobby - Bobby Don - Nancy
Esther - Joyce Joyce - Gene - Esther Elaine
Joan Greetings Presentation to Sue
Esther - Sue The Room Getting 38 seniors to pose
7 Classmates 9 Classmates 9 Classmates
Joan - Sue - Bennie 8 Classmates Esther - Connie - Joan
11 Classmates 10 Classmates 8 Classmates
Harry - Malcolm - Mildred - Jesse 6 Classmates Bennie - Norma - Gloria
Glenn Ken - Jo Ann Sammie - Faye - Pat
Glenn - Carl - Gerald - Mardy Joyce - Sue Betty - Gloria - Sarah
The room Natalie - Gene Roberta - Bennie
Gloria - Jim Norma-Connie-Sue-Pat Glenn - Roberta
Natalie - Jim Elaine - Nancy Connie talks


April 30, 2011
Doubletree Hotel

  Glenn - Ann Bob - Connie - David
Winford - Bob Bill - Delores Mildred - Johnny
Alex - Joyce - Glenn Panzy - Malcolm Glenn - winford
Carolyn - Ralph Rex - Norma Roberta - Glenn
Gerald - Gene - Faye Bob - Joyce - David Glenda - Jesse
Norma - Ann - Glenda Carl - Rex Joan - Jim
Joan - Jim - Bob Ray - Joye Richard - Nancy
Natalie - Helen Joyce - Winford Shirley - Esther
Gene - Sarah - Susan Elizabeth - Gloria Natalie - Ann
Jim - Glenn Natalie - Gene - Ann Trey - Helen
Harry - Elizabeth Jim - Shirley Gene - Sarah
Gloria - Gene - Sarah Roberta - Glenn Roberta-Pat-Mildred-Johnny
Roberta - Gene Roberta - Carolyn - Glenn Gerald - Faye
Pat - Mildred - Johnny Talk - Talk - Talk Ann - Glenn - Joyce - Winford
Panzy - Malcolm Esther Carl - Rex - Norma
Bob - David - Jim Winford - Glenn - Shirley Natalie - Gene
David - Jesse Elizabeth - Gloria Esther - Natalie - Connie
Harry - Elizabeth Glenda - Jesse Sarah - Glenn


MAY 1, 2011
Holiday Inn - UM

    The Group
Harry - Elizabeth Gloria - Sarah Faye - Gerald
Winford - Joyce Jim Faye - Susan

onward to the 65th Reunion...

The Group Holiday Inn  

...and a few more photos
Jim Anderson Sara Barrett Cave Faye Berryhill McCracken
Joe Black Bob Crenshaw Ann Dendy Biggs
Jim Dickson Joan  Dunagan Kirk Sammie Foster Edmundson
Malcolm Franks Don Gatewood Gene Gill
Norma Greer May Harris-Harris Bob Harris
Pat Herrin Sprague Gene Howard Mildred Hill Johnson
Bill Irby Carl Kimberlin Sue Lee Johnson
Glenn Lockhart Alex McCollum Mardy McCommon
Gerald McCracken Ray McMaster Gloria Melton Jones
Roberta Mooney Lockhart Bennie Moore Campbell Connie Nelson Pittman
Bob Olson Jesse Pearson Harry Riggins
David Robertson Joyce Sides Baker Esther Stuart Scott
Thanks for the photos:

Joyce Sides Baker, Gene Gill, Susan Cave, and Cortez Smith

If the photographers missed you,
send us a snapshot and we'll add it

Bob Wright    
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Pam Brant Photos:  Click Here