Pam Brant Photography

Photos from the Tech 1951 60th Reunion - Aintree Farms Clubhouse . April 28, 2011


Click on any small photo to see an enlargement.


Carl - Jerry Nancy - Joan - LC Sammie Elaine - Bob
Sammie - Nancy Jo - Ken Jim - David - Bob Richard - Nancy
Note from webmaster:  Sincere thanks to Pam for sending these photos for us to post on the '51 website.
The CD with these photos and many more, and an 8x10 group photo, are available for $10 each through June 15 - 
Elizabeth - Gloria Joyce - Ann - Harry Gene 1898 Memphis High School Pin
Nancy - Elaine Mae - Bobby Don - Bob - Glenn Alice
Sammie-Glenda-Bennie-Jesse Gerald - Faye - Roberta Richard - Nancy - Jerry Bob - Sarah
Bob - LC Maureen Winford - Maureen Don
Mildred - Elizabeth - Rob Gene - Betty - Winford Gloria - Harry Mark - Bob
Connie - Mae Jo - Cortez - Natalie Alex - Jim - Don Bill - Esther - Carl
Gloria - Mae - Sue Melba - Tom Glenda - Natalie Faye
Malcolm -Jesse-Bobby Panzy - Malcolm Gene - Esther Glenn - Susan
Esther - LC - Joan Jo - Sue Bob - Alex Sarah - Mardy
David Ann - Natalie - David Bennie - Sue Jim
Sue - Connie Sarah - Gloria Jim - Gene Joye - Ray
Joyce - Sue Winford Faye - Gerald Bill - Delores
Elizabeth - Harry Esther - Sue Ann - Glenn - Sarah Jerry - Ann
Jerry - Joyce Mardy - Joyce Sammie - Bennie Elaine - Jerry
Delores - Bill Carl - Ann Joe - Betty Shirley - Jim
Glenda - Jesse Esther Glenn - Ann Winford - Joyce

Sincere thanks to Pam for sending these photos for us to post on the 1951 website

Visit Pam's website:


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