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have just gone through the web site and I can`t tell you how impressed
I am.
“I just visited the site and it is spectacular and now I am even more depressed that I didn't make it (to the reunion)! I made the wife sit down and look at the photos with me and believe it or not she enjoyed it!!” – Bob Boone “It was a treat to visit the web site. I am so sorry I didn’t get to attend any of the reunion festivities”. – Betty Jo Stanfill Jones (T’52) “WOW! AWESOME! Man, you've been busy, and it's a great job, well done. Must have taken you a ton of time to do all that. … Fantastic, Thanks”. - Jim Keefe “Oh, how I wish I could have been there! BUT, I must say this website is 2nd best to being there. Congratulations to all you Masters, it is certainly a job well done and very much appreciated, especially to those who couldn't attend. … I'll try to round up some pix and send to you…I just wanted to say hi and thank you and all your cohorts for the obvious wonderful reunion topped off with this website. A lot of hard word by dedicated tech-ites. My hat's off to you all”. – Wava Paseur Whitten “Sue, you, Joyce and Gill really did a great job. This web site just reaffirms that we went to Tech at the best of times and the best of friends”. – Phil Epps “…Appreciate all you all did to put this page together.” -Rex and Norma Greer King “I have just returned from vacation and have had a great time looking at the pictures and remembering what a great time we all had. You, Joyce and Gene have done a beautiful job. I hope everyone will cooperate and keep up with this website. It is a great way to keep up with everyone. Again, thanks for all your hard work”. - Mildred Hill Johnson “You guy’s did an outstanding job with the web site (guess that’s what you call it!). I know you put a lot of time in it, but it’s really great and I know I’ll be checking it often”. – Glenn Lockhart