June Get-Together 2004
Music Info

<bgsound src="neveronsunday.mid" loop="infinite">

June 13 at the Kimberlin's  - Carl and Ann Kimberlin hosted our get-together at their beautiful  country home in Olive Branch60 classmates  got together for a great fish fry.

Thanks to Sue and Joyce for these photos.   Click on any thumbnail photo for an enlargement. 

Someone's Telling a "Tall Tale"
And THAT'S how it's done!

Faye - Johnny

Well Done!
Joe Birch
Connie - Margaret
Chefs at work
Glenda - Sue - Bennie
Ann - Joe

Gerald - Faye

Harry - Elizableth

Sue - Esther


Irby - Faye

Roberta - Glenn Jim - Rex - Gerald

Joe - Bill Bobby - Allie - Sy Rob Jolly

Johnny - Malcolm - Glenn John Terry - Jean - Joyce Jo - John Earl Grisham

Jo - Kenneth Sue - Bill Norma - Joyce - Esther

Rex - Norma - Joe Jean - Bobby Joe - Betty

Sammie - Jo Can you keep a secret? Shirley - Allie - Joy

Bill - Delores Sue - Joe - Esther Helen - Trae

Bennie - Tom

Allie - Sy

What's in that pot?


Ann - Carl Marie - Rob Dottie - Alex
Carl's Antique Cars Carl's Antique Cars Carl's Antique Cars

Carl's Antique Cars Carl's Antique Cars Marie - Shirley

Rob Glenda - Jesse Helen - Trae - Allie - Joy
Jean - Margaret Jim - Rob Jim - Shirley
Joe - Ann - Carl Connie - Esther Johnny - Delores
Joyce - Winford Faye - Dottie Mildred - Johnny
Rex - Norma Three Cousins Sue - Ann
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