April Get-Together 2005

Shirley and Jim Anderson hosted this month's get-together on April 9 at their home in Germantown.  60 Techites came together to help celebrate Jim's birthday and participate in another great "mini-reunion".  Thanks to Sue, Gene, Joyce, and Jim for these photos.

Music Off
<bgsound src="lovelytolookat.mid" loop="infinite">


Jim and Shirley's Home




Early Arrivals


Alex and Esther


Bill and Carl


Elizabeth and Harry


Joyce - Gene


Winford - Jeff - Jim -Natalie


Nancy - Bill - Alex - Sue


Bring on the next course




Mildred - Johnny




Natalie - Esther


Irene -Connie - Malcolm
 Natalie - Sue - Gene


Jerry and Elaine


Roberta and Winford


Sue and Esther


Rob and Marie


Gerald and Faye


Rex and Norma


Joyce - Shirley - Jim


Jerry and Alice


Jim - Esther - Jim


Nancy and Jeff Davis


Sue - Gene - Esther


Connie - Natalie


Winford - Jim - Jim


Bob -
Ruth Ann


Joyce - Sue




Esther - Jim


Sue - Gene


Shirley - Gene - Jim


Joyce - Ed




Jim - Connie -- Natalie


Jesse - Glenda


Joyce - Winford


Alex McCollum


Bob - Ruth Ann - Jim - Natalie


Pat - Elaine


Betty - Jim


Bob - Jeff


Delores - Bill


Carl - Ann


Connie - Irene


Elaine - Jerry


Florine - Bill


Elizabeth - Harry


Esther - Gene


allie - Joy


Jim - Jesse


Gene - Sue - Rob Marie


Shirley - Jackie


Ruth Ann - Marie


Glenn - Roberta


Mildred - Johnny


Gene - Norma


Marsha - Billy


Jim - Nancy - Shirley - Jeff




Winford - Rex


Helen - Trae


Esther - Nancy - Jeff


Jim - Shirley


Natalie - Jim

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