April Get-Together 2004  

Shirley and Jim Anderson hosted this month's Get-together April 17 at their beautiful home.  50 Techites came together to help celebrate Jim's birthday and participate in this "mini-reunion".  Thanks to Sue, Gene, Joyce, and Jim for these photos.

Click on any small photo to see a larger photo.  

Music Info
<bgsound src="murder.mid" loop="infinite">

The Dogwood's were in bloom

Sara - June - Harry - Gloria

Esther - Jim - Sue

Joe - Jim Glenn - Roberta Bill - Delores
Gene - Ann - Esther Johnny - Mildred Shirley

Gloria - Elizabeth

Joy - Allie - Rex - Norma

Joe - Gerald

Ann Buffet Carl - Gerald - Harry
June - Sara Jim - Gene Natalie - Jim
Bill Carl - Bill Sara
Dottie - Marie Jim Shirley - Friend

Connie Bennie - Glenda Bill - Norma
Faye - Connie Shirley - Bennie John - Mary Margaret

Norma - Joyce Esther - Jim - Norma June
Jesse - Glenda Jim - Jim - Joe Alex - Jerry
Gene - Esther Linda - Walker Glenda - Jesse - Jim

Tom - Bennie Gene Norma - Rex
Natalie - Norma Tom - Bennie - Joy Rex - Norma
Glenn - Carl - Bill Bill - Sue Winford - John - Tom

Bill Joyce Glenda - Ann
Gloria - June - Sara Harry - Elizabeth Harry - Jesse - Malcolm

Faye - Marie

Slide Show:  Click on Jim

Gloria - Glenda - Jim - June

Dottie - Alex

Jean - Earl

Jerry - Ann


Joy and Allie Shirley Alex-front Alex-back

Everybody wants a photograph with these two.

Sue - Jerry - Esther

Esther - Sue

Sue - Bill - Esther


More Photos:  Dinner at the Outback, next day.  Click Here
More Photos:  Sightseeing around Memphis.  Click Here
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