Memphis Tech High
50th Reunion - Ladies Luncheon

Music Info

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October 5, 2001:  The "ladies only" Dutch Treat Luncheon was held at Perkins Restaurant in the private dinning room.  It was a wonderful opportunity for "the girls" to visit and remember the special years at Tech.   Click on any thumbnail photo for an enlargement. 


Connie Nelson Pittman
Margaret Douglas Braden

Sara Barret Cave 
Marie Franks

Marie - Roberta
 Mildred - Joyce

Hettyola Cook Harrell
Marlene Stanley Petree


Sue Lee Johnson
Katie Johnson McNatt

June Dawson Commagere
Margaret Douglas

Katie Johnson McNatt
Melba Cowell Moxley

Sammie - Esther  - Margaret
Bennie - Norma


Margaret and 

Marlene - Connie
Margaret -June 

Margaret - -Joyce
Esther - Sammie

Connie - Margaret 
Joyce - May - Marie 


Debbie - Lillian
Mickey  - Hettyola


June Dawson Commagere
Gloria Melton Jones

Joyce Sides Baker -May Harris
Sue Lee Johnson