Memphis Tech High
50th Reunion   Dinner-Dance

Music Info

October 6, 2001:
Dining and dancing in the beautiful Adams Mark Hotel ballroom.  Music with the Big Band sounds of the 40's and 50's from the famous Doctor's Band.  This was a great party just like the old days. 

Click on any thumbnail for an enlargement.  


Joyce - Winford

Beautiful Settings



 uh one, and uh two...

Sue Lee Johnson
Bill Johnson

Irby - Faye - Jim - June

May and Bob Harris


Jim Keefe
Gloria Melton Jones

Joyce Sides Baker
Hettyola Cook Harrell

Jean - Edgar Buffaloe

Jim Anderson - Alex McCollum -
Ralph Bennett


Bill Irby
Shirley Anderson

Norma - Melba 
Shelley - Faye

Teddy Pope
 Barbara Reed Pope

Dancing to "Big Band"


Ann Dendy Biggs
Joyce Sides Baker

Tom Campbell and
Bennie Moore Campbell

Rex King and
Norma Greer King

Natalie Bailey Keefe
Gene Gill

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